
It began with a gift.

In March of 2014, my first puppet, “Little Ginger”, arrived. With bright orange hair and clad in silver pants and a black furry vest, a dear family friend had designed him as an homage to me. As I slipped LG on something magical happened…

He came to life!

He had a charming British accent, a sardonic sense of humor, and a body that seemed to move on its own. I started bringing him to parties, political rallies, and took him out on train rides home. People loved dancing with him and laughing with him. Everywhere he performed, including Austin, Northern California, Burning Man, Hawaii, Southeast Asia, and Japan, his unique delivery of the truth made people laugh, think, cry, and ultimately feel better.

Since I worked at a company that deeply supported my creativity and everyone contributing to a culture of fun and connection, I began bringing Little Ginger—and afterwards another puppet, Betty Butterfly—to meetings. The puppets delivered financial updates and talent shows at the annual retreat.

Today, I have a team of hand-made puppets and leverage my expertise in workplace culture and people management to deliver virtual cultural experiences that brighten meetings and mesmerize people so that they remember and engage with the content presented. I hope you will join the puppet revolution!

David Mizne, Founder