Our Team

Little Ginger

The fuzzball that started it all, Ginger is cofounder of Culture Puppets and SVP of Shenanigans. After many, many exits (stage-left, not financial) he realized that there was a shameful deficit of puppetry in the corporate world. His paradigm-shifting mission is to make not having puppets in the workplace a weird scenario.

CulturePuppets Butterfly

Betty Butterfly

BB is our no-nonsense CHRO. She is often credited with developing the acronym FAFO. She moves with a high degree of care, but has little patience for toxicity or entitlement on the team. Don’t believe us? FAFO!

Yves Dubois

Yves is our creative director, and if he doesn’t mention his degree from the Sorbonne in the first two minutes of his presentation, the experience is free! What’s the opposite of humble? That’s Yves in a nutshell. Ironically though, after his attempts at belittlement, people usually feel even better about themselves.

Moon Beam

Our resident spiritualist, Moon Beam is very in touch with her feelings. She believes that every puppet and person belongs, always creates psychologically safe environments, and interacts with a high degree of empathy and emotional intelligence. Her presence is particularly effective on teams that are struggling or experiencing unhealthy conflict.